Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Is Stronger Than Ibuprofen

satisfaction !!!!! Mornings

Buondì and welcome back everyone. Today I want to reward us, publishing a text written by my student (I have a qurta basic), very good. It was written entirely in class, otherwise it would come to me .... despite the doubts have known him for five years.
I leave you to read and ... then tell me what you think ...

"A nice Chat with the Befana "

Mezzanotte.Ero in cantina,nel buio,cercando di aggiustare il contatore,facendomi luce con una candela.
Sentii un rumore,mi avviai verso esso,mentre reggevo la candela e...Puf...apparve una scopa...Paf...apparve una vecchia racchia!.
Era orrida:un nasone coperto da una fitta foresta di brufoli,un mento aguzzo rigirato all'insù,2 occhi vispi e rughe che sembravano onde.Una calzamaglia sgualcita ricopriva le gambe e calzava scarpacce  nere che non si abbinavano con la gonna blu intenso.
Avanzai allo scoperto e le parlai timoroso:-Bu...Bu...Buonasera! S-Signora Be-Be-Befana!?-
Lei mi rispose:
- Good evening, but because such warmth?
- Epiphany, by chance I can interview you?
- Yes, sir - he answered - a pleasure-
I began the interview by going to you you:
- Why do you think little of yourself?
- Be - was the answer - I did not say because he interest in following what you call fashion.
- you think there are bad children? - I asked.
She said with a sigh from "The Thousand and One Nights" and then muttered:
-I really do not know. Even in children who misbehave and then, after all, basically, in the heart there is something good ...
I precisai:
- Why are you always happy, despite your age and your significant illnesses? -
She said
- Why? It iiii, I do not mind because my health, but happiness in the world! -
- Do you have a family - I said - You are either "single"?
- No - of iff complacent - they are "single"
- What was your favorite fairy tale as a child?
asked curious.
- My favorite fairy tale? Ah ... they were fairy tales and nursery rhymes of Robert Quilts - announced.
-Since I have the dream of astronomy, tell me how I close up the stars? "I said hopefully.
She said
- Sono magnifiche,magiche, impressionanti,ti narrano  poesie molto belle.
Mentre parlavo,scoprii sotto il gonnellone una pancia di tropp o,udii una voce che andava su e giù con la tonalità.Allora gridai,togliendo la maschera orrida :
-Ah Ah...scoperto sottospecie di DI UN PAPA' IN VENA DI SCHERZI.-
Proprio così:era mio padre!!!
And then I said
-Now go to adjust the meter race pelandroneeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!



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