Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hemorrhoids Frequent Urination

The way u make me feel small steps

was the kitchen of my youth, the first of my life. A chair and another still with the selection of books or catalogs Vestro placed in front of me, cooking clubs and a Hitachi recorder. Now play and the way u make me feel it was a dream child for hours, to be the drummer for Michael Jackson. Tonight I went to see the story of the tour by Kenny Ortega, the tour that Michael Jackson has never started for those 50 concerts in London that would serve to pay the debts and then send to fuck the world accused him of having tortured children, changed skin, nose, ears and toes. What I saw tonight he just made it clear, in addition to the absolute genius and natural talent, how much the world has devastated the life of this man and inevitably, even on his death. From the pictures I see only a man 50 years look it at all, dancing and singing by fear, as no one will ever do in the world, following the band, dancers, and everyone who has about as if they were the Jackson 5 enlarged, apologizing to his family when to stop have their say. Michael Jackson was a man with a difficult past and that was frightening to him much more than all the "mass / merde" which have ruined my life.
What remains is his music, that falsetto that flies on two feet with wings, I would not be wrong, but
wanted to fly a little longer.

"Why, Why, Tell'em That is human nature
why, why, does he do me that way"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Genital Pimples And Exercise

now write less and less. And is not that he does not need to write what happens to me, but sometimes that happens to me is a row so long that even taking the numerino just entered on the right, do not you do it. My right foot is not well. This is the first news, it was dislocated or moved to the metatarsal phalangeal (sounds like a sculpture) in mid-July, to begin with, to finish the wind santorini gave me a gift three days before leaving the island, a healthy fall on a scooter that I have not broken (very nearly was better) but quartered here and there, especially the foot, which one? But of course, always the same. The fact remains that in almost a month after the accident (incident is a word too strong, we will call it bad luck day), I said, almost a month after the bad luck day, only today I managed to get both shoes, after that in Turin for two days I shot with a hawaianas and a New Balance, 10 ° . Ten degrees, and who reminded them most? I had to buy a jacket because "I forgot" to put in a suitcase, who had expected the cold, and who felt more. With the cold outside, I saw tonight Baaaria. That the film is to an Oscar or not (it is), the film should be seen, however, for me is a masterpiece of history, time and life. Very nice. To return to the island and its short months when I look back, or almost everything nice, confirmations ieah for me, and around some beautiful ieah persons who entered the inner circle of the "new friends". If it were not for bad luck day for some error of assessment (but it stays up) and LACRISI (a word that has become a scapegoat for all the problems that condone all had LACRISI just before the outbreak), the season would was perfect, but nobody here looking for perfection, so that's okay. Now, I enjoy a few days with both feet (almost), I have some show to go and see some friends again to embrace, different piadine waiting list, a concert of Eros (well?) And sweetest not least the confirmation on winter business. MediaShopping offers me the cardio twister as I write, firms, tells 149.90 cents. Media Shopping
But tell me, if I take it, then the rest of diecicentesimi, can you really from?

But tell me the truth,
in small steps.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Have Herpes Do I Have Aids

swine fever

Italy, I must say, I really was waiting with open arms.
The plane that took me from Egypt in the boot I plugged my ear giving me a catarrhal otitis.
just got a cold Arctic who was a middle finger to 40 ° in Sharm, I gave the coup de grace in the tunnel bringing the fever, which I like to think I was a little swine to feel part of TGCOM . What happened to Italy in the past six months? From a distance we saw super leave Bush way to a man of peace like Obama, Charter Mark and friends after he won San Remo and it seems strange not to be candidate in elections to the PDL. Vladimir (not Putin) won the island, Big Brother and Eluana Matrix won on the night of his death, Fiorello Baldini left for Fattoria, Silvio and his wife also echo the cry and Rich Fabrizio Corona led Belen in the Maldives with 5 thousand euro per day while over the same period in 2000 Aquila fitted out the dead crying and pain tents after the earthquake. Every time I go back to Italy after so many months out, I'll jump on the highway almost immediately turning and turning point almost not to be swallowed up by what's left to do, but is of little use because, like all curiosi che si fermano davanti ad un banalissimo incidente, anch'io mi fermo a guardare la febbre di cui l'Italia si è ammalata. E la reazione è immediatamente sempre quella:

Buon viaggio,
perchè il viaggio è anche di chi resta*

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Salon Hairstyle Posters

Some basics: Ephemeroptera

In this topic I do a short, very short summary of how to identify the major species of insects that live in rivers Italians, and which play an important role in 'approach to fly fishing. The photos you see in the various post are mine, taken in water-terrarium, and therefore unknown, but if for some reason I could request the 'image of a few insects that have not been able to breed I will refer to photos of the web and specify the authorship in order to avoid misunderstandings. To become a good fly fishermen do not have to become experts of entomologists, but only to recognize the major orders of insects on which to boil our finned friends so that we can more easily sneak up on you. I will try however, to give a 'fingerprint science to what I am about to show, in order to give opportunities to those wishing to go deeper into the issue, however, to find useful knowledge to a wider knowledge even if not strictly useful for fishing! Hold on bottom and banks of streams, springs, rivers, canals and lakes, numerous species of live insects. Those of which we will both start, belong to the orders of Ephemerotteri (ephemeral), Tricopteri (caddisflies) and Plecoptera (stone flies). The various families and species belonging to these orders, the increased use of insects in the fly fishing and those found almost anywhere there is water (but strongly influenced by pollution), and scattered throughout the country! dragonfly, chironomids and then we will talk more! The 'goal that I hope to achieve in the' arc of topics that are taking place is to help you recognize when you are fishing, a short-lived by a caddis or a stonefly and vice versa!

Let's start with this little creature! Ephemeroptera from greek, "the short-lived, insects are small and medium-sized, in various species, colonizing the mountain waters, those of the valley up to the lakes and springs and small materials.


The lives of mayflies typically takes place below the surface of 'the water, where they become nymphs from egg stage. During this stage, which usually lasts one year, the nymphs spend their days feeding along the bottom to grow until the metamorphosis that will bring the stadium aericolo of sub-images and then image. The sub-images, in turn, make a few hours after a second transformation that will lead to the stage pictures, stage during which the 'short-lived, now mature sexually, mate and lay their eggs and then drifting lifeless stadium spent. During their aquatic life the ephemeral breathe using gills that are usually on the abdomen but can be found, even though much more rarely, chest or mouth. They have a masticatory apparatus (radula) well developed that allows them to feed on plants and organic debris found in the River. Their abdomen is more or less flattened cylinder composed of 11 segments (called uriti). They have two tails (called cerci) well-developed tail and sometimes a third, the middle one (called paracerco).

morphological structure of the nymphs.

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According to 'the habitat where they live have evolved into four groups, but the morphological che le compongono sono le medesime per tutte le famiglie:NINFE PIATTE (litofile)Ninfe tipiche dei fiumi e torrenti ciottolosi che sfruttano la loro struttura corporea per restare aggrappate alle rocce anche in presenza di correnti molto forti.NINFE NUOTATRICI (iponeofile)Ninfe che prediligono acque con correnti meno sostenute dove poter nuotare utilizzando i loro cerci. NINFE STRISCIANTI (erpofile) Come le precedenti non amano acque troppo veloci, preferendo muoversi sul fondale utilizzando le zampe per spostarsi.NINFE SCAVATRICI (orittofile)Prediligono fiumi con fondali argillosi o sabbiosi dove scavare delle vere e proprie gallerie e cunicoli alla ricerca di sedimenti di cibo di cui nutrirsi.

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-For convenience we give simple names to the morphological structures of the nymphs, which then we will refer when we talk about the life aquatic nymphs costruzione.Durante make several suits, as they grow up to leave the bottom of which were holding on for almost a year in order to swim to the surface of 'water to give to the' last time as a nymph, for that insect alato.L 'emergence of mayflies, which implies that mass is defined hatching , is accomplished in several ways. As said, the most common emergency phase sees the nymphs swim to the surface of the 'water and then change, but other species, and instead reach the shore, taking advantage various reeds and plants, coming out 'water, then turn. Still others cling to rocks at the bottom and where change and then exit from 'water winged insects already formed.
Life subimaginale (or dun) is short and usually lasts a few hours. The subimagini and the images are small winged insects. Morphologically, their bodies can be 'divided into six parts: head, thorax, wings, legs, abdomen (uriti) and cerci.

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images (or spinner) have well-developed eyes that, in males, reach exceptional size, the eyes are compound and can be divided into several sections. Generally the same is prepared crown eye, which act as hormone receptor, which serves to recognize males and females mature (or images), from immature (sub-images). Their mouth parts, even if present, is completely atrophied, the subimagini and images do not need nutrirsi.Le wings are of different colors, transparent or slightly opaque. The front ones are well developed while the rear can be small, sometimes reduced or absent altogether. The wings are crossed by a series of fairly simple structure of the venule. The veins of the wings are a major feature through which you can 'identify which species a specimen belongs.

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Tra lo stadio di sub-immagine e quello di immagine in molte specie possiamo notare una differenza cromatica essenziale, che ci permette appunto di riconoscere lo stadio di maturazione dell’ insetto. In genere le sub-immagini hanno toni di colore più smorti e le ali sono opache, mentre le stesse specie nello stadio di immagini hanno colori molto più accesi e vivaci e ali trasparenti con venulature ben visibili. ). Gli occhi di grandezza sproporzionata insieme alle dimensioni ridotte e alla colorazione più chiara rispetto alla femmina, permettono di distinguere nettamente i maschi.L’ accoppiamento avviene in volo spesso in grandi sciami e, una volta compiuto, le femmine di effimera depongono le uova in vari modi: possono posarsi sul pelo 's water to release eggs, or perhaps dive clinging to a submerged rock, and leave their eggs safe in some crevice of the fund, or simply dropped from the' high risk without ever finish in the jaws of a nice trout, maybe do not expect the final stage is defined altro.Lo spent. The 'ephemeral completed its life cycle unfolds its wings in surrender and let the currents carry them now lifeless.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Missouri Non Traditional Teaching Licensure


Cinque mesi.
Come le dita di una mano, cinque mesi di sole, di incontri, di lezioni da imparare e da assorbire.
Cinque ragazzi di cui prendersi cura, cinque giorni da programmare ogni settimana, cinque ospiti solo quelli da coccolare come se fossero cinquecento, cinque persone da non far davvero quasi salire su quel pulmino del ritorno, cinque settimane di raffreddore, cinque pound per un travel by taxi at night, five mosquitoes per day to be exterminated.
Five minutes later, a five routes on the remote control, five packages of snacks, and be redone five badge eternally
fuck five decades of aborted after counting to five.
a month at home,
and five slices of ham per day, five days and the heart of theater and music, five
hug really imporant to five people are now a great desire.
immediately after isolation,
my Santorini for several months. * Five months

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Women Knock Off Ugg Moccasin


Happy New Year to all!
How do you want to start the first of 2009 ...? One year after birth This blog, a year when many things have changed, they have managed to reach more than half the goals I set for myself, I returned to Egypt from Cape true and head held high I took my victories Christmas and New Year confidence and esteem of the tour operators who have tied and exciting new goals to grow in 2009. If the job has gone hand in hand with the commitment, heart, (just to be coherent), while committed to time, but is still not in balance and if it ever will be is really the question that so I would like someone to answer, but knowing that only someone who can ... it is the writer. The writer from Egypt, not many miles from where it consumes day after day that war is not to stop, now lives waiting for Greece, yet the beloved island of Santorini in my projects from May onwards.
An island that marked me the heart and who must now keep track of my work in this village who can not wait to take back to recolor, remake, reinvent. The idea for the first time to reopen the boxes that I'm done, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able finally to realize the things I've learned here in Egypt excites me terribly. Egypt subisco the less now. Sure, I miss the ham, I miss the mozzarella, I hate the Egyptians, but it is also true that the Egyptians who surround me here in town they treat me like the pharaohs Tutanqualcosa,
quindi, lamentarsi non è proprio nelle mie intenzioni.
Anche a questo giro di boa egittica, ho conosciuto delle persone che val la pena portare nel cuore,
e di lei non dirò nulla se non l'invito a leggere questa pagina del suo blog postato per voi qui sotto.
Prima del blog, a voi tutti (voi chi poi, bene non si sà) và un abbraccio sincero per l'anno e le vostre vite,
tenete duro anche se fà freddo e se in Italia mettendo la mano in tasca trovate pochi euro.
Tenete duro perchè il sole, quello vero che è quà da me ogni giorno, prima o poi si fà una passeggiata pure da quelle parti.
Albano lo diceva sempre ... "quaaando il sooleeee tooorneeraaaa" (ma say so?)
Force Italians!

Monica's Blog: