Monday, December 22, 2008

How Often Should You Wax Your Lip

Fish that passion!

The blog is under construction ... appointment soon.

Rhyme For 2nd Birthday

Making Spirits Bright *

heart Merry Christmas to all, I would write
but they are so taken from the Christmas menu, from games, from MammaMia, from comedy to Vincenzo Salemme,
a thousand things to do than I can do is just write ... Merry Christmas, Italian! *

Monday, December 8, 2008

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Italian Buongiorno! My

wake up in the morning looking in the mirror and know that unconditionally, there is a sun out there who sings 29gradi is an emotion that you can not tell. But Italians do not despair to the cold, the rest is Mastercard*

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Dog Died And I Am At Fault


Dopo l'ufficio, dopo l'Apple Corner alla Virgin non potevano mancare le quattro mura che mi ospiteranno per questi 5 mesi in Egitto, 4 mura che devo dire ho trovato più accoglienti che mai e che io ho reso mie come sempre, dando un pò di colore e situescion che mi appartengono. La mia stanza è un quadratino con un grande letto matrimoniale sotto una finestra dalla quale ogni mattina entra il sole filtrato da un infisso tipico egiziano che non mi dispiace affatto, con un armadio a muro molto carino, un grande specchio ed un bagno ovviamente senza bidet (ma a sto giro c'è la pompetta a muro!!!) con un grandissimo vano doccia, insomma amici, a me piace tanto! In questo Amy Winehouse is singing time for me and these walls lit by little green and red light, a cricket out here, he sings well enough and I'm wondering macchecifaccioineggitto saturated MammaMia! I constantly bouncing on his head after a day close of evidence. I look at the table you see below and I think "Maybe I have overdone it with the iPod."
Italian Night in the cold *.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Invitation Griha Pravesh

An hour from tourist

After a month in Egypt, for the first time today I asked the sun if I gave an hour and he said yes. So, in spite of Naama and Old Market, I went straight to the new market, an area that is really a relief to the eyes of a Westerner like me bad luck, an area dove non c'è pattume in giro, super nuova, con cenni di civiltà davvero poco egiziana e probabilmente è per questo che mi ha conquistato. Oltre ad un po di negozi carini ed un classico McDonald's, c'è un Virgin Store molto bello con al primo piano un angolo Apple che mi ha sorpreso, il melina corner in egitto proprio non me l'aspettavo. Peccato non ci fosse traccia nè di un Ipod, nè di un MacBook ma solo di uno sfigatissimo IMac di un bianco scolorito impolverato e da chissà quanti mesi in un angolo, che vedendomi mi ha chiesto aiuto in ginocchio, ma io non l'ho potuto salvare ed è rimasto lì dov'era. Il Mercato nuovo di Sharm è un tentativo palese per "occidentarsi", più riuscito rispetto a Naama dopo gli attacks, but still virtually deserted, a sign that the Egyptians of the West, aside from Nike plagiarized if they slam Ciuffina seriously. hours after I returned to my world travel to the sun, between the tests and Christmas greetings to those who left the village today after a week or two on vacation.
In Italy embraces all the cold and ugly, I say. In Egypt, the warm embrace of you too bad. Yesterday Noah
party, a great guy that sooner or later I put in my way.
Hello Uncle, I embrace you ...
... * bad

Thursday, November 27, 2008

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My Office

My office is a room full of light and wooden shelves and a desk that I have made as colorful as possible with my Macbook, my printer and my trinkets. E 'in this room that I spend most of my time in the morning. After checking that the Russians do not walk on the reef and the water of the pool and relaxing hot regularly, usually I get back into my modest office where I prepare the evening, shooting down the scripts for the performances of Christmas, the administration and update me keep in touch with Skype with the leaders in Italy. These days the temperature in Sharm touches often 30 degrees in the morning, at eleven, for a Oretta under the pretext of watching the boys are in place, I can soak up the sun while I continue my rounds strolls. This is Many villages and a village at all hotels, where large spaces at the beginning disorient you, but then you find that balance in those spaces themselves and then you can stay inside without noticing. Yesterday I started testing Mamma Mia! for Christmas, will start next week as the Comedy Vincenzo Salemme, the boys are full and I am confident, so much. The first month he flew to Sharm without a breeze, too bad to have a cough Siberia that probably the people called bronchitis. Bronchitis in Sharm El Sheikh. Eh eh

Friday, November 14, 2008

What's In A Joke Zombie Apocalypse Kit?

Sharm Act One

Just did not expect.
Just read below to understand that just ten months ago I was here in sharm and I was not not at all happy with what I lived, what I saw. Sure, his eyes still have a hard time digesting the people and dedication to hygiene and clean you out here, but at least, revenge was taken ... I'm in a wonderful place, really. It is not the number of swimming pools or restaurants, or as you eat from God, or the fact that my room is a palace with TV and internet access, but so much for the theater that I'm putting up with my hands, together with a set designer who created the sets for my show and all the others who will, along with electricians and maintenance workers who help me to mount lights and bulbs. Last night, I debuted the show with my 4baldi in a pan that is becoming something davvero serio ed importante, ed io ne sono immensamente felice. Ma se da una parte ho trovato un posto dove posso davvero lavorar bene, messo nelle condizioni di fare al meglio in tutto e per tutto, dall'altra mi manca ancora la serenità per motivi personali che non sono qui a raccontare, ed è assurdo capire e vedere quanto nella vita quasi mai gli argomenti che danno la formula perfetta, non vanno mai a braccetto. Quindi ci tocca lavorare fingendo sorrisi, raccontando che và tutto bene, quando in realtà non va bene per niente. I primi giorni qui, sono stati difficilissimi e già pensavo alla maledizione di qualche faraone che ce l'ha con me, ma alla fine basta davvero solo impegnarsi e andare avanti a testa alta, come sempre. Quindi vado avanti a testa alta, anche se un po questa testa ancora pesa, dovremmo aver forza sufficiente per tenerla sulle spalle.
A voi un abbraccio dall'Egitto che un pò m'ama un po m'odia.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Area Of Shaded Segment Of A Circle

Sushi departure ... Go! Take the first Apple

Chi un pò mi conosce, sà bene quanto io sia appassionato di cucina giapponese.
La disgrazia vera è che da quando non vivo più nella mia città, qualcuno ha deciso di aprire un take away very top level
a 200 metri casa mia, e negli ultimi giorni ne ho comprato un pò, tanto ... quasi da entrare in società col titolare.
Non sò se è il pesce crudo, se è il riso in bianco che visto così fa molto Policlinico, ma mi piace da morire ed io mangerei sushi every day. Tonight I allowed myself the last sushi before the Egyptian diet, although I remember a restaurant in Naama Bay Jappo as I remember I found it closed several times, as I remember thinking that the origin of the fish in Sharm el Sheikh was not to be really reliable. So off we go. Will be five months long and intense smiles gift to me and I hope those who decide to visit me in the village. Five months without ham and buffalo mozzarella, no Parmesan, without seeing the people you love, no traffic, no winter. Sometimes I realize I am an extremely lucky to do what I do, to live peacefully and without financial worries some, without the stress of an office or a lathe or a factory that makes you breathe shit 18 hours a day. The only way I can to make this special chance is to try to make the holiday of the Italians are better than those who think they have bought at travel agents, to tear down some of their departure had left a dozen kids suddenly become friends in the sun and hoping to stay in heart forever. This is my chance to become the sacrifice and dedication of my life, if you come to see me I will be very happy to "accommodate you!"
As I always say friends before departure,
good journey to you, because the trip is also of those who remain. Let

by Tutankhamen,
and we hope not to meet with the friend of his ...
... Tutancagott

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Community Service Letter Court Not Completed

now I'm really an Apple man, are in the tunnel to the end. So that this may seem I have an apple tree at the bottom of a tunnel, but instead I am referring to the fact that now I have two MacBook, three I pod, an Iphone and many of those white wires and cables with the bullshit cazzatine melina white, it's crazy and I realize only now. These machines are incredible, they make love with each other constantly, and I crashed into these relationships that my little family of Melina has for some time now. Now joined by Pro, which will do a little village chief ( :-) della band... A volte faccio un giro tra i notebook del signor Gates e li guardo con una certa distanza, come se non ci avessi avuto mai a che fare. Che Giuda! Però Bill, è colpa mia se tu sei il re dei Virus e degli impossibile Visualizzare la Pagina e delle clessidre perenni? Comprati un bel Macbook Bill, cogli la prima mela dai!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Network Camerastanford

Sometimes They Come Back ...

E'ovvio che le scuse a quei pochi lettori del mio blog sono d'obbligo.
Sono passati cinque mesi dall'ultimo post, scritto a santorini, una delle isole greche piu belle delle Cicladi, l'isola che mi è stata sotto i piedi per tutto questo tempo lasciandomi un ricordo assolutamente indelebile. Vorrei poter descrivere l'isola, parlare of everything I've done and undone, lived or not, but it would take too many words and the time for a change, could not come.
the biggest news is that I am about to leave for Egypt, sharm again, again Naama Bay once again my Egyptian friends that I loved so much last winter.
maybe I'll be back a winner, come back with a lot more responsibility and the desire to confirm the great results this summer. I'm waiting for my new MacBookPro that Steve Jobs has unveiled to the world, too. So the little white Mac, we give a little brother who is already born ... great. I write new things, I think to pack up and take weight on the basis of the past, Egypt is the best diet on the planet. I hope to write again before leaving, but maybe in Sharm maybe I can be more present.
I'll be there from October 27, and you, where you are?
How are you?
Happy autumn to all *

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Can I Wax When Using Tazorac


a marvel.
soon as I can,
just gives me the time allowed to write two things as they should. Good time
enchanted island,
here are 40 degrees ...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cold Steel Tomahawk Vs Sog Tomahawk

good morning departure ...

Here we go again, we go. The usual case
anxiety / and I have now left the port years ago, has now become a pleasure instead immense prepare your home portable. Yeah, because my suitcase is a little my house there are books inside, pants, cavicavetti, handkerchiefs, underwear, a lot of Ikea little Nutella, MOMENDOL, Crocs, incense, photos, music. Your house is now 40 pounds my catchphrase, if you pay ef, ef, if you pay (which is a bit eminem say).
Santorini, that's where I go.
seems to have the most beautiful sunsets in the world. I told my mother and asked me if this led to strong wind, but I explained that the north is another thing. While I was around doing master and refresher courses, Silvio won the elections, won so to speak because the only ones able to beat him were Cesaroni. I'll be back on October 4 that I feel very far away, is like thinking about Christmas in the middle of spring.
I realize that I write tonight and ... point. Look at that ... I write and point. I saw the first concert lorenzo jovanotti rimini last Saturday and I was really impressed, the band gets scared and he succeeds with the simple things to make some really difficult stuff. Do you think that writing "you" is so simple?
The essential writing and composition is a difficult thing.
But given the abstract concepts of tonight, I see no problem as I'm concerned!

friends, good trip, even to You
Because as I always say,
travel is also for those who remain. We write in that
from the Greek.
... azz ', who brought in the High School ...