Saturday, October 25, 2008

Area Of Shaded Segment Of A Circle

Sushi departure ... Go! Take the first Apple

Chi un pò mi conosce, sà bene quanto io sia appassionato di cucina giapponese.
La disgrazia vera è che da quando non vivo più nella mia città, qualcuno ha deciso di aprire un take away very top level
a 200 metri casa mia, e negli ultimi giorni ne ho comprato un pò, tanto ... quasi da entrare in società col titolare.
Non sò se è il pesce crudo, se è il riso in bianco che visto così fa molto Policlinico, ma mi piace da morire ed io mangerei sushi every day. Tonight I allowed myself the last sushi before the Egyptian diet, although I remember a restaurant in Naama Bay Jappo as I remember I found it closed several times, as I remember thinking that the origin of the fish in Sharm el Sheikh was not to be really reliable. So off we go. Will be five months long and intense smiles gift to me and I hope those who decide to visit me in the village. Five months without ham and buffalo mozzarella, no Parmesan, without seeing the people you love, no traffic, no winter. Sometimes I realize I am an extremely lucky to do what I do, to live peacefully and without financial worries some, without the stress of an office or a lathe or a factory that makes you breathe shit 18 hours a day. The only way I can to make this special chance is to try to make the holiday of the Italians are better than those who think they have bought at travel agents, to tear down some of their departure had left a dozen kids suddenly become friends in the sun and hoping to stay in heart forever. This is my chance to become the sacrifice and dedication of my life, if you come to see me I will be very happy to "accommodate you!"
As I always say friends before departure,
good journey to you, because the trip is also of those who remain. Let

by Tutankhamen,
and we hope not to meet with the friend of his ...
... Tutancagott


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