Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Some basics: Ephemeroptera

In this topic I do a short, very short summary of how to identify the major species of insects that live in rivers Italians, and which play an important role in 'approach to fly fishing. The photos you see in the various post are mine, taken in water-terrarium, and therefore unknown, but if for some reason I could request the 'image of a few insects that have not been able to breed I will refer to photos of the web and specify the authorship in order to avoid misunderstandings. To become a good fly fishermen do not have to become experts of entomologists, but only to recognize the major orders of insects on which to boil our finned friends so that we can more easily sneak up on you. I will try however, to give a 'fingerprint science to what I am about to show, in order to give opportunities to those wishing to go deeper into the issue, however, to find useful knowledge to a wider knowledge even if not strictly useful for fishing! Hold on bottom and banks of streams, springs, rivers, canals and lakes, numerous species of live insects. Those of which we will both start, belong to the orders of Ephemerotteri (ephemeral), Tricopteri (caddisflies) and Plecoptera (stone flies). The various families and species belonging to these orders, the increased use of insects in the fly fishing and those found almost anywhere there is water (but strongly influenced by pollution), and scattered throughout the country! dragonfly, chironomids and then we will talk more! The 'goal that I hope to achieve in the' arc of topics that are taking place is to help you recognize when you are fishing, a short-lived by a caddis or a stonefly and vice versa!

Let's start with this little creature! Ephemeroptera from greek, "the short-lived, insects are small and medium-sized, in various species, colonizing the mountain waters, those of the valley up to the lakes and springs and small materials.


The lives of mayflies typically takes place below the surface of 'the water, where they become nymphs from egg stage. During this stage, which usually lasts one year, the nymphs spend their days feeding along the bottom to grow until the metamorphosis that will bring the stadium aericolo of sub-images and then image. The sub-images, in turn, make a few hours after a second transformation that will lead to the stage pictures, stage during which the 'short-lived, now mature sexually, mate and lay their eggs and then drifting lifeless stadium spent. During their aquatic life the ephemeral breathe using gills that are usually on the abdomen but can be found, even though much more rarely, chest or mouth. They have a masticatory apparatus (radula) well developed that allows them to feed on plants and organic debris found in the River. Their abdomen is more or less flattened cylinder composed of 11 segments (called uriti). They have two tails (called cerci) well-developed tail and sometimes a third, the middle one (called paracerco).

morphological structure of the nymphs.

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According to 'the habitat where they live have evolved into four groups, but the morphological che le compongono sono le medesime per tutte le famiglie:NINFE PIATTE (litofile)Ninfe tipiche dei fiumi e torrenti ciottolosi che sfruttano la loro struttura corporea per restare aggrappate alle rocce anche in presenza di correnti molto forti.NINFE NUOTATRICI (iponeofile)Ninfe che prediligono acque con correnti meno sostenute dove poter nuotare utilizzando i loro cerci. NINFE STRISCIANTI (erpofile) Come le precedenti non amano acque troppo veloci, preferendo muoversi sul fondale utilizzando le zampe per spostarsi.NINFE SCAVATRICI (orittofile)Prediligono fiumi con fondali argillosi o sabbiosi dove scavare delle vere e proprie gallerie e cunicoli alla ricerca di sedimenti di cibo di cui nutrirsi.

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-For convenience we give simple names to the morphological structures of the nymphs, which then we will refer when we talk about the life aquatic nymphs costruzione.Durante make several suits, as they grow up to leave the bottom of which were holding on for almost a year in order to swim to the surface of 'water to give to the' last time as a nymph, for that insect alato.L 'emergence of mayflies, which implies that mass is defined hatching , is accomplished in several ways. As said, the most common emergency phase sees the nymphs swim to the surface of the 'water and then change, but other species, and instead reach the shore, taking advantage various reeds and plants, coming out 'water, then turn. Still others cling to rocks at the bottom and where change and then exit from 'water winged insects already formed.
Life subimaginale (or dun) is short and usually lasts a few hours. The subimagini and the images are small winged insects. Morphologically, their bodies can be 'divided into six parts: head, thorax, wings, legs, abdomen (uriti) and cerci.

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images (or spinner) have well-developed eyes that, in males, reach exceptional size, the eyes are compound and can be divided into several sections. Generally the same is prepared crown eye, which act as hormone receptor, which serves to recognize males and females mature (or images), from immature (sub-images). Their mouth parts, even if present, is completely atrophied, the subimagini and images do not need nutrirsi.Le wings are of different colors, transparent or slightly opaque. The front ones are well developed while the rear can be small, sometimes reduced or absent altogether. The wings are crossed by a series of fairly simple structure of the venule. The veins of the wings are a major feature through which you can 'identify which species a specimen belongs.

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Tra lo stadio di sub-immagine e quello di immagine in molte specie possiamo notare una differenza cromatica essenziale, che ci permette appunto di riconoscere lo stadio di maturazione dell’ insetto. In genere le sub-immagini hanno toni di colore più smorti e le ali sono opache, mentre le stesse specie nello stadio di immagini hanno colori molto più accesi e vivaci e ali trasparenti con venulature ben visibili. ). Gli occhi di grandezza sproporzionata insieme alle dimensioni ridotte e alla colorazione più chiara rispetto alla femmina, permettono di distinguere nettamente i maschi.L’ accoppiamento avviene in volo spesso in grandi sciami e, una volta compiuto, le femmine di effimera depongono le uova in vari modi: possono posarsi sul pelo 's water to release eggs, or perhaps dive clinging to a submerged rock, and leave their eggs safe in some crevice of the fund, or simply dropped from the' high risk without ever finish in the jaws of a nice trout, maybe do not expect the final stage is defined altro.Lo spent. The 'ephemeral completed its life cycle unfolds its wings in surrender and let the currents carry them now lifeless.