Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Have Herpes Do I Have Aids

swine fever

Italy, I must say, I really was waiting with open arms.
The plane that took me from Egypt in the boot I plugged my ear giving me a catarrhal otitis.
just got a cold Arctic who was a middle finger to 40 ° in Sharm, I gave the coup de grace in the tunnel bringing the fever, which I like to think I was a little swine to feel part of TGCOM . What happened to Italy in the past six months? From a distance we saw super leave Bush way to a man of peace like Obama, Charter Mark and friends after he won San Remo and it seems strange not to be candidate in elections to the PDL. Vladimir (not Putin) won the island, Big Brother and Eluana Matrix won on the night of his death, Fiorello Baldini left for Fattoria, Silvio and his wife also echo the cry and Rich Fabrizio Corona led Belen in the Maldives with 5 thousand euro per day while over the same period in 2000 Aquila fitted out the dead crying and pain tents after the earthquake. Every time I go back to Italy after so many months out, I'll jump on the highway almost immediately turning and turning point almost not to be swallowed up by what's left to do, but is of little use because, like all curiosi che si fermano davanti ad un banalissimo incidente, anch'io mi fermo a guardare la febbre di cui l'Italia si è ammalata. E la reazione è immediatamente sempre quella:

Buon viaggio,
perchè il viaggio è anche di chi resta*


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