Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Woolite And He Washers

What are you willing to lose? Traffic

few hours ago, while I was already away from a beach in the shade at five-thirty in the afternoon, I stopped for a moment to look at from afar, making a short film all in my head where I see myself with a camera to film hundreds of people were sleeping, smiling or waving or pretended to say "do not feel that" rather than "I tremble while singing." For an overwhelming need and then I turned on my second Mac director, asking him to show their faces at the event, those images, those smiles and in a second I remembered all, everyone, even those who were not in the pictures, even those on I was on the balls from the first day, those who trembled to go home (thankfully few) to write what I / we were poor too, and then nothing gained for the 1500 € well spent, but still too many to admit them is well spent, too fast for a week in Paradise . Then I saw almost all the children or "We need to do a goal" and cry was the only reaction that I have not been able to escape because life too much, too much joy, too was in love with the creatures of the Juve shirt Rome or even knew who he was Francesco Baccini, which I again thank you very much for having written a poem to music and notes from the first moment I thought to turn children on holiday in the sun. Thus, almost of course I clicked on play I trust you, another verse into fists and caresses like no other that is reflected in a few months of sweat, difficulty, disappointment, bitterness, always results in a snap that bounced off shriveled inside handshakes and hugs and tears and photographs of people who do not want to leave who can not leave and those who maybe spends € 1500 again and again because they admit to have been a good week in paradise is not something they do all their own. This latest season Egyptian bundled my 33 years, delivering a new globe with a cross in Egypt and wrote "STOP", a certificate of warranty expired di chi, ahimè, prenderà strade differenti e pericolose dopo qualche anno di passi assieme e sforzi e tanto altro, insegnandomi ancora una volta che il principio del dare/avere non è come la legge uguale per tutti, o che forse tutti, non hanno avuto per sfortuna, la mamma ed il papà che ho avuto io quando seduti al parco o in attesa dal dottore o al primo giorno di scuola, mi spiegavano cosa fosse una mano o una carezza o il rispetto o la fiducia.
Ma in tutte le nuvole veloci ed incazzate si intromette il sole sempre, e per fortuna invece con nuovi stimoli, nuove conferme, nuovi volti, nuovi sorrisi vicino a quelli consolidati dal sole già andato che un posto in prima fila alla tua vita ce l’hanno ormai da un pò perdendosi little or nothing or worse, then record the episodes to see them on the couch on Saturday afternoon while it's raining outside. I keep asking me questions, that makes me feel good. I keep looking in the mirror and see a few wrinkles that just signed the sun went over his head, is good for me too. I continue to study people, to strive to give what is behind these sheets for a reason that is not narcissism, exhibitionism do it all the shit that someone wrote because I was or had to be the scapegoats of those fucking € 1500. The unconditional love for people, a child of 5 years to a housewife of 47, a businessman of 62 to 90 years of age is not my personal price I am willing to lose for that contact, the life that they carry and all of which I am a healthy carrier. Next Tuesday I will leave Egypt Marsa Matrouh and the Egyptian and Arabic music and their stench that only they are able to generate and archive them in a drawer hallucinatory five months of hard work and love in the middle of nowhere, carrying in his pockets with sand all those smiles, those handshakes, the tears, the pictures and the words beautiful and important that I get up in the morning, that make me proud and too high man in the mirror in the bathroom of my room Egyptian fuck.

What are you willing to lose?

If I had another
certainly one thousand five hundred euro.


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