Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dressy Dresses In Florida


"Torni a casa il primo giorno di scuola della Primavera": March 21, you say.
not an ordinary day. So think of these months in Egypt, fatigue and liver of your first two, the serenity of the last three, opportunities, sufferings, the sneezing, the wind, the endless days of sun, white rice, to narrow hand, the hugs and tears, think of all those colors for 150 days will have passed before my eyes without a moment's pause. Then suddenly you find yourself on the other side, sitting in the stands, where people look at you, smiled and clapped his hands, you're in Bermuda in the sun in the midst of those people with an orange bracelet and can not be forced to say "hello, how are you" but you feel really useless if you do not shoot a tongue to a child of 3 years. You find yourself stay away from those guys with neck tag that you loved and hated for months believing in them sometimes and sometimes not, looking away from your ass you do, and how good they are, a little also because gliel'hai taught you. So you're the other side but you're restless, almost almost better than a cold Italian aggrenzito sun, do you think the sun does not always have the same heat if you do that work there. Then look for the music that does not betray and always have time to Ivano Fossati brings you to mind CiCiBlèBlè, Nivea, Alice New Year, Luke and Samuel Rocco, Alessia Sarah Fabia, Camilla and her grandmother, Enrica tells me "boss Excuse me a moment, "Beatrice Gialloblu, the boys delle Orme, i Tokio Hotel, Samuele e le scene di Natale, Annalisa e Tiziano, Sere Fede e Cri a Torino, Fausto e Giorgia, Fichera e la catapulta infernale, gli amici di Tavoletto, Rimini, Riccione e Cattolica, Francesca e Geno, la Turci, i Podenzana, Laura sicchè la Toscana di Michela e Giorgia, Giulia in Svizzera e in Spagna, Valentina al freddo di Biella, Michela e famiglia a Venezia, Claudia e seguito a Bergamo, l'Avv Moretti a Milano, Sonia che gonfia un palloncino a Napoli con lo chef e Sohara, Talpina che sorride e dice Veramente?, Filini e la sua stanza completamente allagata, cento bambini che gridano "prenda esempio, prenda esempio", Greta con la mia prima settimana in braccio, la gente in piedi a Teatro, le mani gli abbracci infiniti e il cuore ti si stringe in petto perchè vorresti ringraziare tutti, una ad una queste persone per quanto facciano di te un uomo migliore, ma ... "c'è tempo ... c'è tempo, c'è tempo, per questo mare infinito di gente"...
Buon viaggio anche a Voi amici miei*


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