Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fence Designs To Block Road


Archiviato il freddo italiano, archiviata la pioggia e la mozzarella, archiviati i sette aerei presi in dieci giorni e lo stage di Djerba, sono di nuovo qui a Marsa Alam in mezzo al deserto. Ho trovato piu o meno tutto come avevo lasciato, qualche viso nuovo positivo e lo stesso mare e lo stesso I have only whispered ciseimancatotanto, making me really think about how lucky doing what I do. Last night I asked a child what animal would be, he replied "a ladybug because it has the soft shell and so the spider can not take ... slips because "this is my greatest fortune, the ability to collect things like this every day. I have many things to do in this second half of the season, many new projects, many stimuli and many resources to dedicate staff to bring calm to the end of March, cleaned, washed and ironed. February and March, two months will be important for the future, we'll have to choose the right meter, but I am of the opinion that the important is at least getting one of the two, it's probably already decided on what you have to go, what time and why. The Italians have taken days to answer and proof of the pudding c'aveva who inevitably face in the wax, melted everything has run. I was under the balcony of Juliet in Verona, a small garden where everyone looks surreal upwards taking cold in the eyes and voices of all those who say you touch a breast of the statue of Juliet poor to be a good girl, is now a mignottone fear from having the row of men every day, squeezed her breasts. Juliet's balcony and was expected to consider the outcome but they say he did it, I've got I do not want to wait and go to meet what is a very peaceful, with no hands on Zizzi. I want to thank from the heart to the sun that the people in those few days of cold and warm cuddled me with friendship love and dedication, from Brescia to Rome from Verona to Milan, from Djerba up here. What we are, thanks to him we become who we are fortunate to have around, and I just can not ask for money back.
you muchly *


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